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Keeping Your Pet Safe on July 4th


Celebrating the Fourth of July means cookouts, fireworks, and parades. These traditions are fun for us but can be scary and even dangerous for our pets. Loud noises and large crowds can be overwhelming and cause your dog to become startled and want to get as far away as possible. More dogs go missing on Independence Day than on any other day of the year. Here are a few simple tips to keep your dog safe and happy this July 4th.

Keep Your Pet at Home

Visiting with family or going to a parade may be fun for you, but it may be too overwhelming for your pet. Many events on the fourth include loud music, kids running around, and even fireworks. This can be overwhelming and stressful for a pet. Keep your pet safe at home, with music or tv on to help drown out some of the loud noise.

Create a safe space in your home for your pet, where they can be comfortable and get away from the festivities to relax. If you’re having guests over that will be coming in and out of your home, consider putting up a pet gate to keep your pet safe and prevent them from running outside. Let your guests and family know where your dog is, and help you keep an eye on them to make sure your pet stays tucked safely away inside the house.

Microchip and Leash Your Pet

Wheelchair dog goes to beach with the American flag

With all the loud noises, July 4th is the day that the most pets go missing each year. If you are taking your pet out on the Fourth, always keep it on a leash and make sure that their collar or harness fits snuggly so your pet can’t slip out if they’re terrified.

Your pet should be microchipped, and your contact information is up to date. That way, if your dog does happen to get away from you, this will be the first thing a Vet or animal rescue will check. An up-to-date microchip is your best option to be reunited with your lost best friend!

The Summer Sun is Strong

Keep your pet cool. The July sun, heat, and humidity can be dangerous for your pet. Keep them inside or in a shady spot to prevent them from overheating. Like you, your pet needs plenty of water to keep them hydrated.

Excessive panting, lethargy, shaking, or dizziness can all be signs of heatstroke. If you think your dog has become overheated, bring them inside immediately and contact your Vet.

Avoid Fireworks Around Your Pet

Disabled dachshund dresses her wheelchair for July 4th

Large firework displays typically mean large crowds and loud sounds. This can be overstimulating for a dog. What is loud to the human ear can be deafening to a dog.

Even if your dog has been to past fireworks celebrations and been perfectly fine, you don’t know how they will react this time. When frightened, a dog will run faster and jump higher than usual, which makes catching them even more difficult. It’s always better to be safe than sorry. This Fourth of July, keep your pet safe at home.

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